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A very special offer just with you in mind. This method has proven results to knock your deepest fears and unfounded beliefs out of the ballpark in a very short time.


1 – 30 minute call by phone or fb to assess your individual needs to stand in the power of how you want to feel.

2 - A tailor made toolkit of daily deliverance for 2 weeks via Facebook

messenger. Can be in the form of inspiration, healing emotional pain, affirmations, mindset, energetic exercises.

3 - I will be your accountability buddy, your support for you to do the work

. 4 – Bring your awareness into conscious action.

5- 15 minute completion call


This work is intense, habit changing and very freeing. Your limits will be pushed to the point you realise you have no limits. This is a bootcamp for the emotions and mindset. You will be amazed how much your life can change in 2 weeks not just in one aspect but your entire life. What holds you back in one area of your life affects every area of your life. You will see how easy it is to integrate change into your lifestyle to the point it becomes second nature. It will be natural as it is in alignment with who you are. It is so empowering to take charge of your own emotional, mental and physical health.


ASK YOUR BODY IF THIS FEELS RIGHT FOR YOU, HOW ARE YOU FEELING IN THIS MOMENT? Don’t overthink your feelings. Trust your body and let 2 weeks with me set you on the path to personal power and a complete life change with manifestation and personal alignment at the helm. Allow yourself to receive. Be ready to say yes.


Just AUD$255 will be start you on the path to freedom

© 2020 The Essence Within 

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