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Intuitive Readings
Full readings will cover all that you need to know now including family, love, finances, work. You can ask up to 6 questions if you choose. A clear photo with no sunglasses is required.
AUD $150
Mini readings can include any of the above topics or questions but answers are brief. Approximately 1 page in length.
AUD $50

Dream Interpretation
Basic interpretation AUD $15
Full Interpretation, how the dream relates to your life and meaning it holds to you AUD $40
A short message sent to your inbox each morning. Written specifically for you to help you work through each day with more ease.
AUD $45 FOR 30 days.

All readings, messages and healings are provided for entertainment and general guidance only.Please refer to a medical practiioner for health issues and seek legal councel if required.Only persons over 18 years will be accepted.Any reading or message given is to be the sole responsibility of the recipient.
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