There Is A Fine Line Between Pleasure And Pain

This statement ` There's a fine line between pleasure and pain' is a profound statement. It may sound simple but it is the difference between being and living.
Let's firstly take a look at the word pleasure. Pleasure is a feeling based on doing something,being with someone and your enjoying the experience.It doesn't necessarily take you to great heights emotionally. A smile sweeps across your face, your mood is elated and feel good hormones are released. It is an action which gives you a pleasant feeling leaving you feeling happy. Pleasure is an experience, it happens and it's over, the memories are happily relived.
Pain is the opposite end of the spectrum. It can be felt within the body physically and emotionally.It hurts, it pushes your limits and boundaries while it tests you. Pain will be experienced over and over if you do not accept and heal any open core issues.Reliving these memories are painful and uncomfortable.
Which brings you the most growth and stands the test of time? Both pleasure and pain can bring so much growth and chnge that it can be life altering.
Pleasure is fantastic to feel but in order for it to create change you must be fully present in the moment. If not the experience is happening around you without participation rather than you creating the pleasurable experience. You might a well be watching a movie. Let go, give yourself permission to have fun and fully experience the moment, get involved, laugh, communicate, forget any worries or cares for the time being. To do so is to achieve personal growth enabling you to move past your `stuff', emotions and fears shifting you out of your comfort zone and into your bliss.
When you feel pain it begins in the emotions, you can often feel this within your body as well. When you accept any feelings that arise and determine where they are coming from and why they have arisen you are claiming responsibility for your life. When you work through these feelings and put them in their appropriate place within your life you will no longer allow the past to control you. In order for this to happen there is going to be a certain amount of emotional pain until you sift and work through your emotions. When you break free you are able to reach out for personal freedom, moving past fear, judgement, self worth and self confidence issues, insecurity and forgiveness.
When the pain is physical, it is because you have either ignored or not dealt with things as they arise. There have been signs that things haven't been working for you and that change is needed. You have continued on the same road without coming to terms with reality.Sickness within the body happens not only to give you a sign you can no longer ignore but suppresssed emotions need to escape some how. They start small and build with time until there is nowhere to go.You can no longer sweep things under the carpet, blame or make excuses. Heal the emotional and the body will follow.
Acknowledge, accept, take responsibility, forgive and act is the way forward to a magial life.