These eyes are spectacular aren't they, which one did you say you loved the most?
DRAGON - you have called in the flow of prosperity and it is on the way. Remember prosperity means something different to each of you and it has many meanings. You may not recognise it or feel it. Look around you, with different eyes, what do you see or feel? It is real, take it on board.
MERMAID - your in the midst of changing your reality. Things aren't always as they seem, that is the old way of thinking. Take a closer look, sometimes things need to be believed in order to be seen. When this happens not only do you see what was always there, but you see things that are far greater than you had imagined.
DRYAD - the lack of faith in yourself is doing you no favours. It's time to take a different approach. Look to your strengths and look at building on them, making the most of them and making them work for you. There is no need to struggle with your weakness any longer.
How does the message you have chosen feel for you and can you make it work?xx