It's done and I feel better
I have spent the last week or so cleaning out my shed. We have had a council clean up so it had to be done by a certain time and that has kept me accountable. Everything is in there, childhood toys, old diaries, my favourite children's clothes, school work and reports and plenty of stuff.
This is all energy, years and years of energy and emotions stored away because on some level I am not ready to let it go. Everything in there has meaning or feeling attached.
I have managed to let go of maybe a quarter of it which is pretty good for me and I'm happy with that progress. Decluttering made me tired not because it kept me so busy but emotionally and mentally it takes a toll. Whether you are conscious of it or not every item drags up emotions and feelings and you have to place a value on that as to whether you keep the item or what you decide to do with it. Energetic decluttering is so much harder than the physical.
I do however feel lighter for ridding what I have and that old saying of out of sight out of mind is correct. Very rarely have I thrown something out and then wanted it back because you simply forget. I found many an item stashed away that I forgot I had. Some items I took photos of before I got rid of them. Although they didn't hold sentimental value they are still worth a reminder.
That chapter is now closed for at least another 6 months until the next clean up comes round or until more clutter has been added and again there is no space.
The shed has become a place where memories are stored and personal items are kept until I am ready to
