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Emotional Walls

Everyone has a wall they have put up to prevent them from getting hurt, falling, failing. In many ways it can be a natural instinct to do so, but where does it get us?

The wall stops us from forming attachments to people, places and situations and holds us back from what we can achieve, feel and who we can be. In fact we are not better off building these walls, it is actually hindering us as we are missing out on so much and experiencing that which is valuable to our growth.

The walls are there because it has become so hard to trust due to previously being let down therefore personal information, experiences are not shared,and you cannot become fully involved and present, your guard is always up. You find you are very much alone, people often take you the wrong way because you are not allowing others to see the real you. When you shut the door to others and experiences, you close the door to happiness far more than you do to hurt and pain.

Creating these walls are a form of control. Trying to control how an outcome can affect you and to what extent .In reality this doesn't work, this is actually a lack of control. You can only control your behaiour, you cannot control another's.

Vulnerability is essential, to lay everything on the line and bare your soul can be extremely

liberating. The walls keep you within your pain, your past. These walls are a contant reminder of where you don't want to be when in fact that's where you are.

It's time to decide how are these walls serving your purpose, what are you getting out of it or more like, what are you missing out on? The biggest and most important question to ask yourself are you happy?

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