2017 Planner

This year is your’s, you have the chance to make it your own.
1.What didn’t work last year?
2.What did work last year?
3.What was your greatest lesson last year?
4.How have you made the most of the challenges that presented?
5.Who are you most grateful for?
6.What are you most grateful for?
7.What are you saying yes to this year?
8.What are you saying no to this year?
9.What boundaries are you going to put in place and which boundaries are you going to rework?
10.What do you want to achieve this year?
11.How are you going to achieve your goals and dreams?
We need to work on a body mind spirit level.
1.How can you nourish your body in a healthier manner?
2.My body needs to move, what ways can I help it to be more flexible, strong and fit?
3.How is your breathing, is it shallow? Deep breathing creates calm, better circulation and greater digestion.
4. How can I accept my body as it is now?
1.Are you happy within all the relationships in your life? Do you need to let any of them go, how can you bring more value to the relationship?
2.What do you expect/ need from your relationships? Expectation is very different to need.
3.What is missing from any or all of your relationships
1.Are you happy at work, the type of job, the workplace, the people, the environment?
2.Are you valued, do you value yourself?.
3.Do you need to grow your skillset?
1.How are you with money?
2.Do you live below your means or above your means?
3.What are your thoughts about money?
Are you comfortable with where you sit within your spirituality?
2.What would you like to know more about and how do you intend to gain the insight?
3.Do you listen to your gut and then follow it’s guidance?
Take the time to print off this planner and really think about your answers. The time you devote to what is important denotes the strength and power of the energy you will receive in return.
Once complete place this planner in plain sight, you need to be reminded of what you want to create in your future. To be conscious in the present moment creates a conscious future.
The Essence Within
It would be great if the whole family could do this together and share and discuss what you have written. It will help bring families together and work in unison for common greatness.
You are the creator of your life’s abundance, joy and peace. The only way to find this is for you to make it happen.
You are the empowering body in your life, take back the reigns and control.
Wishing you the best year yet and I look forward to walking the 2017 journey with you.
With love and abundant blessings
The Essence Within
Where everyday is life changing