Bogged down in everyone else's stuff
You've had a conversation with someone, you've been out and now your drained, emotional and not feeling yourself. What the hell is going on?
Your so in tune to other people's needs, emotions that whatever you have heard or seen you have taken on as your own. As we walk back to being a chld there may have been an event that was a catalyst to all of this. Did you take responsbility for another, take on the blame, feel trapped into being part of a situation that had little to do with you but because you were there it has become part of you? What has become a core belief that you have carried with you through to your adult life, that you are not separate from another.
You can turn all this around and become detached from what you see and hear. You can't help another by takng on their problems or emotions and this certanly doesn't help you at all. You can offer a listening ear, a shoulder to cry on, constructive cristicism and a space to find their own way. Coming from a place of compassion rather than symapthy or empathy makes all the difference to both of you.
Begin with setting some strong emotional boundariesand learn to let them guide you when you are overstepping your boundaries so you can pull back. How do you know you say, what are you feeling within your body, do you feel like running, your body is tense, these are good indicators. Breathe through this moment until you feel a shift. Decide within yourself that you are just purely an observer here.Awareness is key here to be able to feel that fine line of detachment and attachment.
Visualising a protective shield around you is a strong option. You can do this while you are within a situation as a preventative, just imagine whatever colour light you feel you need at the time to be surrounding you, becoming a barrier between your feelings and those of what is happening around you. You can also imagine other things like a beautiful garden separating you, a rainbow, anything you like.
Don't be afraid t communicate your feelings within that situation. If your not feeling comfortable say so, if you need to leave do so.
Don't be disgruntled if things don't happen as you would like straight away, you have set up a pattern here which now has to be uncreated. Find a place for you to detox or unload, you may have a special place inside your home or out in nature that holds a space for you to raise your own vibration. Here you can let go of what you have taken on,allow it to leave your body and mind. Once you let go you can't just leave the energy sitting out there in the ether as it will reattach to your aura. You need to send it deep down into Mother Earth and she will take it and transmute in into love.
There is so much more you can do but here is a great start to staying within the centre of your own being.