Kids don't always listen to their parents and if they do it doesn't mean they hear you. You can tell them something over and over and in a hundred different ways but they won't necessarily `get it' until they are ready for the lesson. Sometimes things you don't want to happen do no matter how much you try to prevent them. They have to happen for the lesson to be learnt. Hard I know for a parent to sit back and watch but I believe that that is our lesson, to let go and allow our children to live their life the way they have to. We can only guide and support but ultimately they have their own minds and are free to make their own choices.
I learnt this recently after many years of telling my son that this boy was not a good person to spend time with. He took it as me not liking his friend and taking it as personal criticism. Now of his own accord he has decided that boy is not the type of person he should spend time with especially living virtually in each others pockets for years. He had to see for himself over and over the self destructive path this boy is on and that his only concern is for himself.I had to stand back and trust that this enlightenment would come without my son bearing a great expense.I can only hope now that he will give his loyal friendship to someone more deserving.