What I Learnt From My Kids

Absence does make the heart fonder and it certainly does bring appreciation. My children are older now and due to circumstance I can see that and it is nice. My eldest has not long come home from spending 6 months overseas and is going again for another year. He is far more tolerant of his younger siblings now and has alot more time for the whole family. Absence makes you appreciate what you would normally take for granted when it's there all the time.
My youngest son, who doesn't live at home also at times makes more time for his siblings. Instead of them being in the way or annoying there is more communication rather than bickering. He even took his sister out for the evening, whatever she wanted. They went to Aqua Golf and Yoghurt Land and she was spoilt rotten. It was beautiful to see and I was so happy and proud of my 17 year old son.
Children come through with the goods when they need to and don't feel pressured.xx