Which keyring did you choose?
if you chose A, there is peace, calm and earthiness. A strong connection to the earth and what it embodies. An almost primitive state where simplicity exists. The need for the material is minimal. Respect is honoured amongst tribe
If you chose B, the wisdom of the child is upheld. The natural trust, spontaneity and flow exist here. You move with your desires with no need to hold yourself back. Fun is thrown into everyday as it comes naturally.
If you chose C, you speak with passion. Communication is important, the language of love and connection. A sharing of meals as an extention of you, there is so much to be said for communion.
If you chose D, it's all about romanticising. Breathing life into what if, bringing out the goodness in everyone and everything. Making the world a better place is the aim. Joint action takes place where union begins with you.
These messages give a glimpse into your future, the time in which you reincarnate. These are not all the same time period as the frequency of the earth is different at each stage.
Let me know how you feel about this new life?xx