Which saying did you choose for your message?
If you chose LIVE IN THE PRESENT, ditch delving too far into the past unless your setting goals. Living in the past is useless unless you are looking for patterns and learning lessons. Being present in the now brings gratitude and enjoyment in what you are experiencing now not living based on past experiences.
If you chose LET GO, this is a sign of confirmation that you already know what or who you must release. Hanging on will only bring further grief, sadness while you procrastinate. You can hope as much as you like that things will change but you know in your heart they won't.
If you chose OPEN YOUR HEART, you must learn to receive. Receiving is a gift of love not only from another but from yourself. You readily receive what you don't want so what is wrong with receiving what you do want. It can't hurt anymore that what you don't want. Time to give yourself a chance.
How do these messages relate to you in this moment and have they helped you?xx