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Which arrow master held a message for you? If you chose image 1, you must energetically clear your space switching up the vibration. I ask you to use no other tools but your hands. Clap around your space as you do any remnants of your unforgiving past will echo out. As your hands are part of you, they are an expression of you, an extension of you they are clapping out the heaviness and darkness from your being. Your hands are creating a space for healing

Image 2, is telling you to trust your own feelings regardless of what the rational mind tells you. Use all of your senses just as animals do, they rely on them. They are instinctual creatures and it never lets them down. Listen to the whispers of spirit. When you work in conjunction with listening and feeling you will realise there is no other way

Image 3, is all about voice and how you use it. Do you use it for your own benefit, to your detriment or both? Take a look at how you use your voice, how you have learnt to use it due to your experiences and then look at how to use it for personal empowerment and healing

Which message did you choose and how fitting is it for you?xx

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