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Which cow brings you a message today from my own card deck.

If you chose the BLACK COW, Snail Trail.

Where are you leaving your mark, your personal imprint in life. You have your own personal energy stamp leaving a vibrational trail through every avenue your energy touches. Find something valuable, something you are passionate about and immerse yourself into it. You don't need to see yourself or your name up in lights, you just need to do something worthwhile that adds value to you. That flame burns deep, it just needs you to ignite it bringing it to life. Bask in it's glow. This is how you best serve yourself and others.

If you chose the BROWN COW, Sip Your Own Medicine.

It is so easy to offer advice to another, you have all the answers for them, they roll off your tongue and yet for yourself it is not so easy. What you are receiving are dual messages. Sip this healing message, this elixor as travels through your body it will settle where it needs to within you and activate your energy blockages. Just allow, don't question. Be open to this medicine as it doesn't always taste so good to digest

I would love your feedback on my cards and the messages they hold.xx

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