Which coffee flavouring did you choose today? If you chose CHAI, you feel like a bit of cheeky spice in your life. life has become boring and it needs livening up. Only you can make the choice to do so, wear clothing you would never dare, go out dancing, say yes to you for a change.
If you chose CARAMEL, having an ally makes you feel supported. What about if that ally were you? When you are your greatest supported great things happen.. You hols all the qualities of a great ally, the qualities that are perfect for you.
If you chose IRISH CREAM, you must start listening to your internal guidance system. This is the best way to know when things are off kilter. Take note when you notice a feeling that doesn't seem right, normal or usual and feel into what it could mean. Don't think the answer let your body be the guide.
If you chose VANILLA, this is a reminder of what you are holding onto. Look around you, all the memories, all the reminders that you cling to that remind you of past events and people that are better off left in the past. It is only the lessons that you need to carry with you.
How do your choices and messages feel for you tonight please share.xx