Which playing card drew you in, was it by number, colour or suit?
If you chose 2 OF SPADES, there has been disappointment. Don't be tempted to squash this pain. let it out. Look at how you have made plans with others in the past and how you may have felt restricted in some way. Take a look at the work/health balance and what aspect is making you feel sick or ache. In order to find business success you must reassess the situation.
If you chose 7 OF HEARTS, you must trust your intuition and gut instincts in order to get where you want to go and be what you want to be. Friendships are focus, who is loyal and who may not be quite so. Is someone close looking out for their own interests?
If you chose 8 OF CLUBS, there is change indicated but ONLY if you can walk away from the past and look to the future. Avenues of possibility are open and available when you thought they were previously closed off to you. No doubt there will be frustration and anger, emotions you must now work through.
How do these messages fit your life at the moment?XX