You have decided to give into a whim and pull out everything for your creative project. The enthusiasm is there, the time is right and...

Bogged down in everyone else's stuff
You've had a conversation with someone, you've been out and now your drained, emotional and not feeling yourself. What the hell is going...

When you feel the void
That emptiness you feel,where in your body do you feel it, head, heart, stomach? The emptiness you feel comes from a state of lack,...

2017 Planner
This year is your’s, you have the chance to make it your own. LET’S GET CLEAR 1.What didn’t work last year? 2.What did work last year?...

Emotional Walls
Everyone has a wall they have put up to prevent them from getting hurt, falling, failing. In many ways it can be a natural instinct to do...

Touched By An Angel.
You know you've met someone special when the first thing you see or hear each day is good morning beautiful, when they tell you...

There Is A Fine Line Between Pleasure And Pain
This statement ` There's a fine line between pleasure and pain' is a profound statement. It may sound simple but it is the difference...

The Gentle Art Of Silence.
The one thing that is sending me a really strong message at the moment is the importance of silence. Spending time in solitude with just...